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Monday, June 29, 2020

About An Infection


Basics of Infection

Today’s most usable word is Infection.
We see… we read… we hear, everywhere Infection… Infection… and Infection…
Bacterial infection, Viral Infection etc…
Today we talk about this, and some other word parameter which is related with infection.


 Everyone want to know,
What is Infection…..????????
And the answer is,

v Infection -: Infection is a state when microorganism succeed in entering a host and reproduce more of their kind.

v Contamination-: The presence of an infective agent on a body surface or in an inanimate object or substance is termed Contamination.
So this microorganism entering in the host they want agent.

v Pathogens -: Agent of the infection called Pathogens.

v Reservoirs-: Pathogens (agent of infection) must find a place to live and multiply, such places are called Reservoirs.

Till that we talk about the basic knowledge of infection and their parameter or related word.

Now we talk about the how this microorganisms is spread.
So we see now mode of transmission of infection. Mode of
Transmission means how to spread or way of spread.
Mode of transmission of infection


Direct Transmission

Indirect Transmission
1)  Direct contact
2)  Droplet Infection
3)  Contact with soil
4)  Inoculation into skin or
The mucous membrane.
5)  Trans placental transmission

1)  Vehicle borne
2)  Vector borne
3)  Air borne
4)  Formite borne
5)  Unclear hands and fingers
 Direct transmission means agent of infection directly come or spread with infected person to other person.
Here we talk about the direct transmission mode of infection:

1)  Direct contact à if the infected person come in direct contact with other person like shake hand etc.

2)  Droplet infection à when infected person sneezing of coughing at that time lots of droplets come out from his/her body in that droplets lots of viruses or bacterias are available which is infected to others.

3)  Contact with soil à in the soil, lots of microorganism are available which is reason for spread the infection.

Indirect mode of Transmission means agent of infection indirectly come or spread with infected person to other person like,  infected person touch anything so on that thing microorganism (virus/ bacteria) are spread and when any other one touch the same things the agent of infection spread on that one, so this is known as indirect transmission.
So the indirect transmission is spread with vehicle, vector, air, formite or unclear hands.

·       So now how can we do to prevent and control the spreading of an infection or disease?

è      The infection agent at it source either destroying it at this very point or containing it till it dies itself due to lack of a new host.

è      Not allowing the infection or the disease to spread to a new host transmission.

è      Protecting the host by making him or her strong enough to resist the infection or disease.

è      In short, Go Green, Prefer Neat & Hygiene Environment, Eating Healthy Food and most important maintaining the routine with yoga and exercises.

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(*based on having memories, available information, blogger's thoughts and guidance of honorable Elder, the descriptions is mentioned above. Acceptable suggestions are welcomed.)

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